截至今日,天行2020届学生共收到95份预录取通知书(含6份直录)。其中英国49份,澳大利亚31份,新西兰5份,美国4份,加拿大3份,马来西亚1份,香港2份。其中包含牛津大学数学系面试邀请1份,帝国理工学院2份,伦敦大学学院 3份,多伦多大学1份,香港大学1份(免面试)。
It's April in the world, and it's another year for reading. Today is the 25th World reading day. Reading is still an important and romantic manifesto, expressing respect for books and authors all over the world.
As for reading, it should not be limited to a festival like "reading day". Tessen always advocates reading. In the construction of Tessen's curriculum characteristics, "reading expansion" is an important teaching and training goal. Let reading become a way of life .
just like, books can't be read without borrowing. So our "Book drift" plan was born. Let it drift to the next reader.
There are more or less books in every family. It may have been read several times, but it has never been favored again in the bookcase.
It's better to let it shine than to let it alone!
加入我们的“漂流”计划,把好的、闲置的书籍提供给需要的读者(可以是同学、老师、朋友、家人、亲戚、邻居... ...),让闲置的书籍重新被利用,让有需要的读者得到你灌溉的知识,让跟你一起学习工作的人交换彼此的书香。
Join our "drifting" plan, provide good and idle books to the readers who need them (such as classmates, teachers, friends, family, relatives, neighbors...), make the idle books be reused, let the readers who need them get your irrigation knowledge, and let the people who study and work with you exchange each other's book fragrance.
Do not imprison the life of each book, let them "live" and "drift" up, and continue indefinitely, do not let the book end at a point.
The book, never finished reading. The life of a book is that it conveys knowledge to people again and again.
understand the world by reading
April 23
the annual reading day
create new reading atmosphere
reading make us become better
撰写:Jane 肖 依
翻译:Sunny 黄 曰
编辑:Wendy 贾西贝
朗读:Roxy 黄昱榕
主编:Johnson 张世霖
总编:Gary 高 陆