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Sino Incubator (M)Sdn Bhd實諾企业孵化集团获国际五星团队认证

时间:2018-08-16 17:29:20    来源:华讯新闻网    浏览次数:    我来说两句() 字号:TT

  Sino Incubator (M)Sdn Bhd實諾企业孵化集团


  Sino Incubator (M)Sdn Bhd创立于2009年,是目前马来西亚中小型企业中发展迅速的集团之一。2013年从三位会计师不断的为各大企业提供会计咨询与商业管理,从而累积了无数的实战经验,在2016年成功突破转型跨入企业孵化,将企业多元化至不同领域经营,以创新的商业模式领导市场获得了IAQ,促进会的认可,于8月3日假柔佛烈光镇北京楼,由柔佛再也區州議員YB廖彩彤颁发国际五星团队认证于陈炜祥Jonathan Tan ,IAQ,促进会执行主席拿督斯里巴杜卡陈宥财博士客座教授见证。

  超越极限 百战不殆

  作为大马发展最快速的多元化企业,面对市场上的严峻挑战,SINO Incubator透过严密的市场调研,深入研究分析客户群,了解客户的需求及公司的市场定位,以期在市场上知己知彼,并达到百战不殆的效果,持续提高其市场份额和企业竞争力,秉承口号: Incubate your business success,提高你的企业成功率,坚信只要积极进取,必能创造辉煌。

  未来,公司正朝着Sino 2020的宏愿前进将持续探讨投资更多具有发展潜力的行业领域,并且计划引进更多相关领域的成员加入公司董事部,持续扩大公司内部架构和实力,以打造永续经营的商业模式,成为大马最完善以及最有竞争力的多元化企业王国。

  Sino Incubator (M)Sdn Bhd

  The innovative business model obtained the certificate of international five-star team.

  Sino Incubator (M)Sdn Bhd founded in 2009 is one of the most rapidly developing small and medium-sized enterprises in Malaysia. Three accountants had been constantly providing accounting consultation and business management services to large enterprises and had accumulated innumerable practical experience since 2013; they successfully broke through and realized transformation into the field of enterprise incubation in 2016, and diversified the enterprise into operation of multiple fields and lead the market with innovative business models; the company was recognized by the International Association for Quality (IAQ). On August 3, YB Liow Cai Tung, a state council of Johor, granted the certificate of international five-start team to Jonathan Tan under the witness of the executive chairman of the IAQ, visiting professor YBHG Prof. Dato Sri Paduka Dr. Robin Tan, Executive Chairman of IAQ in RESTORAN PEKIN KK SDN.BHD, Ulu Tiram, Johor.

  Go beyond the limits & fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat.

  As the most rapidly developing diversified enterprise in Malaysia and facing severe challenges in the market, SINO Incubator conducts in-depth analysis of customers via strict market researches to understand customer demands and market positioning of the company, hoping to know itself as well as the competitors, to fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat, to constantly improve its market share and enterprise competitiveness and to increase enterprise success rate upon the slogan of “incubate your business success”, and firmly believes that it will certainly make achievements if it strives to be better.

  In the future, the company will progress towards the vision of Sino 2020, explore to invest more industrial fields with high development potentials, plan to introduces more members of relevant fields in the board of the company, and constantly expand internal structure and strength of the company in order to create the business model with sustainable operation and to become the most complete and most competitive diversified enterprise.


