Protect your hardwood flooring from unwanted moisture with GEORBURG’s durable PU450 Damp Proof Membrane (DPM). Solvent-free, G2 PU450 is a two-part PU-based Damp Proof Membrane developed specifically to suppress residual moisture in concrete, sand and cement-based subfloors.
使用GEORBURG持久型PU450防潮膜(DPM)保护木地板免受不必要的潮气侵扰。G2 PU450无溶剂,是一种双组份的PU体系防潮底涂,专门用于抑制各类基层中的残余水分。

耗量Coverage :约9-12平方米/组
晾置时间Airing time :无需等待时间,按比例混合后即用
固化时间Curing time :3~4小时(夏季);6至8小时(冬季),具体取决于施工现场的室内气候
保质期Shelf life :在20°C的未开封容器中保存12个月
包装规格Packaging :1.8kg+1.2kg /组
Special Features产品特色
● 良好的渗透性Very good penetration
● 适合所有地暖Suitable for applications with underfloor heating.
● 零甲醛Zero formaldehyde
● 易于滚筒或镘刀操作Easy application by roller or trowel
● ,的附着力Excellent bonding properties
● 环保无溶剂 Solvent-free
